Engin Ayaz

How do we grow and create maximum impact as a “membrane organization” within the creative services industry?

As the co-founder of ATÖLYE, I regularly contend with this question as I try to envision both our community’s and our organization’s path forward. As a transdisciplinary designer, I draw on my background in architecture, engineering, systems thinking, sustainability, and interaction design to lead interscalar design projects and hone our studio’s design culture while ATÖLYE flourishes and embarks on increasingly more international challenges.

Why did you join kyu?

I believe it’s an excellent challenge for ATÖLYE to accommodate new geographies with the aim of establishing community-centered systems. With kyu, ATÖLYE has the opportunity to reinvent its system and test its blueprint around interdisciplinary collaboration and talent management in emerging markets, as well as encourage kyu members to think differently for their organizations.

Official Bio